Maybe it's time someone finally said this
I have a message to the Arabs: we are afraid of you.
There, I said it. Anonymously, but I said it.
I actually first said it while replying to an anonymous comment on Zadigvoltaire's post Beirut Notes: Unite. The commenter said:
> You make it seem like your retaliation made
> you suffer less?
And I replied:
We retaliate because WE ARE AFRAID.
We hear Hizballa's leader threaten us. We see him carrying out his threats. We see Hizballa amassing 10,000 missiles and aiming them at our children. And all that time we hear him promise to wipe us off the map.
But we don't want to be wiped off the map. So we act. We act out of fear that - if we don't do anything - Hizballa will keep gaining strength, and eventually be able to wipe us off the map.
We are willing to suffer now in order to save ourselves the much greater pain that we fear.
Then it hit me: in all the discussions about the conflict, I never saw any Israeli tell this to Arabs. Why? I don't know. Maybe some of us are too proud to admit it. Or maybe this is something that is so clear to us, we think everybody else knows it too. Or maybe we are afraid that if the Arabs knew how much we fear them, they will be even more motivated to kill us.
But let me tell you, my Arab neighbors: you succeeded in making us fear you decades ago. Perhaps you simply didn't realize it. If you are looking for something to be proud of - maybe you can be proud of that.
But you must understand that most of the Israeli aggression comes out of our fear from you. And the more we fear, the harder we bite. When all of Israel is in fear: we unite, and we act. Our fear is what makes the Israeli army so powerful and so dangerous. So perhaps you might want to make us a little less afraid of you.
I felt that I didn't do a good enough job on this post. Here's my second attempt at explaining this issue.
And the more we fear, the harder we bite
excuse me, but big LOL at the word :D
Do you think any arab would be convinced with such phrase. cause simply Arabs weren't the starters sir. The starters where the ones who prepared the plans starting from 1917 to have a piece of land somewhere on earth, and then it was palastine.. a step by step, Isreal was acknowledged back in 1948 on a land its not isreali's by any mean of the knwon living history !!
you live in fear because the land is not yours, because you know that the right holders will come one day and show you the bigger bite and teach you how to take something not yours.
fear comes from the lack of justice. fear comes from the lack of self confidence. fear comes from a lost case. fear comes to real murderers at night when see the ghosts of the murdered childerns, wifes, old men and poor citizens with no justified reason but "Terror and fear".
Sir, excuse me... But I can't be convinced with any of your mentioned words in your blog. And you really want aa right dialouge, then you have to have an open mind 1st, accepting facts before fiction. Then a real dialouge might take place..
I.B I respect the Israelis' fear but how can you can fear if you have all these weapons and armies
sir you got the strongest army in the region , you got over dozen of spy satelittes over the arab world not to mention the first nuclear program and first atomic bomb
We are the one who should fear from you ,I think someone wrote this before ,I am sorry I didn't read all the comments to the end
Look to what you did in Lebanon ,is this fear ??
I am sorry this fear is not from us or made by us ,it is made by your media by the orders of your regime , I know I speak in the matters of Consirpcy theory
Fear is the beginning of a dark road "Master Yoda in The Stars war :)"
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