Sunday, July 30, 2006

Kafr Qana

I have just heard the terrible news about the tragedy in Kafr Qana, and rushed to write this post. The civilized and relatively calm discussion we have started here has quickly become more important to me than I had originally imagined it would. I hope we will not let it die along with those innocent children.

I think it is important that you know how I feel about this terrible event. While I remain proud of the Israeli soldiers for protecting my life with theirs - I am ashamed of the Israeli Army for not doing more to avoid such brutal killings of innocent children.

I hope that you, my Arab partners to this discussion, are ashamed of Hizballa for its cruel use of innocent children as human shields - as living shelters for protecting the rockets they fire at my children.


As more people express interest in joining this discussion, there is a danger we will lose the way it has been conducted up to now. I therefore wish to propose a small rule for joining:

If you consider joining, please start by taking a look at Zeinobia's post - the one that got this discussion started - and ask yourself this: If you are Israeli - ask yourself if you identify with Zeinobia's question. If you are Arab - please imagine that this child is Israeli, and then ask yourself if you can still identify with her question. If your answer is yes - this means we share at least one common value, and that is a basis for dialogue. By all means, please join us.


P.S., to Zeinobia, Blue, EngineeringChange, march14yuppi and Mohamed Maher: I haven't forgotten that I owe you more answers. This is just an "emergency post" from my side.



Lasto-adri *Blue* said...

i do 2nd mohamed in every single letter he wrote...

it is really a hopeless un-justified case..
do not ever convince me that those 37 kids did something to isreal !! and if it showed anything it will show the pure stupidity of the isreali government -excuse me sir-.. the sucide boomers weren't born out of nothing

with every single house demolished, a whole family is left to live on the hatered with eveyr living cell.
with every single child murdered.. 50 of his friends will seek revenge in the nearest chance...
and with every single hospital or school boomed.. a whole neighbourhood are left to live a collective day dream to wipe isreal out of the map..

the hate is rising over and over and over again.. you can not stop it.. you can NEVER stop it..

tell me sir.. how many isreali kids have been killed in this war!!! is it by any chance comparable to the 37 ONLY for JUST today !! let alone the number of civilians.. PURE INNOCIENT citizens.. !!! By God's sack What peace isreal is seeking.... By God's sack .. I mean.. I am speechless.. I have no word to discribe my feelings of anger while i am living thousands of kilometers away.. so how you guess the feelings of the parents.. relatives.. neighbours.. friends...

what is happeneing in Lebenon right now is MURDER.. M.U.R.D.E.R !!

yesterday there wasn't HizbAllah.. now there is HizbAllah.. there is Iran and syria..
You are afraid of HizbAllah to wipe you off the map..
then I tell you, tomorrow the souls of the MURDERED innocent arabs will inspire others too to wipe you for real off the map.. and no one will pity

i mean, you admit hving a land not yours and STILL you insist of having rights!!
By heaven's sack what rights are you talking about..
Palasstine is an arab country and will always remain so..
and tell you sir.. the day will come when the flag of a free palastine will be there over a free country.... ruled by the refuges and immegrants
no matter the destruction whether there or in lebenon or syria..
Sir... these people got something Isreal doesn't have at all... and will not have, not in million years...
Arabs have faith in their case.. They know they are the right owners.. they know God is there backing them... a year or two.. or even hundered years.. at the end HizbALLAH will be hundered other NGO's carrying the very same mission... and Isreal with the whole world will be taught a lesson.. but alas, the hard way out.

yours Blue

Zeinobia said...

Hezbullah didn't use any human shield at all this is a lie I read in Ynet news , it is faked up , never no way ,Qana survivals spoke on Tvs and their words are enough to me

Egyptian-in-USA (Egyptian Muslim Human) said...

1- Give us back our land.

2- Allow Palestanins to come back.

3- Compensate the refugees.

4- Investigate and jail any one responsible for killing any woman or child in Lebnon or Palestine.

5- Let us have peace and build The United States of Middle-east (U.S.M.)

Unknown said...

I believe the IDF has made up the "Hizbulla using Civilians as human shileds" story, just as an excuse after their unjustified crime against humanity.

Israeli Blogger said...

@Tarek - I accept that you believe so.